Through this module I have developed lighting skills by using the lighting studio extensively and feel that the raw pictures we took were lit very well, it conveyed a white background with a dominant green feel which the brief asked for. I have also learnt how to chromakey (Blue/Green screen). From lighting the set properly to using both after effects and final cut, and feel that we accomplished this very well in the production of our ident. Also just from the general use of after effects and final cut I believe that my skills are improving, especially the speed of editing.
Finally I have developed the skills & patience that stop motion requires, in the past stop motion has infuriated me but I now feel accomplished in that aspect of animation and would not be fazed by the prospect of doing it again on that scale if not bigger.
2. What approaches to methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
The main research aspect of this project was getting as informed as possible about itv2, their current and past idents and also other idents used on other channels. We did this by internet research, watching the channel, and reviewing their broadcast schedule. The brief was very specific about audience and mood but not content, leaving it open as “a moment in the life of a typical 24 year old” so we felt it best to analyse this aspect to its fullest by researching what “moments” were achievable to us whilst keeping within the briefs parameters. This process then decided the direction our ident was to follow.
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think my major strength for this module was determination to achieve a high standard of finished piece. Comprehensively planning the production process and then going through with it, and spending 13hours a day in the studio shooting. I intend to plan every production process of moving image as fully as this one from now on.
I am very happy with the achievement of doing this stop motion as I always see stop motion as a difficult feat even if I don’t feel the end product does my motivation justice.
Finally I have also realised that though it may be a small thing there is endless value in simpky showing up, being on time and organised, something witch I have done consistently through this brief, not wanting to let my collaborative partner down. The same cannot be said for him.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
I am un happy with the colour and sound of our ident, the colour looks very bleached and too highly contrast, I believe it does have a “Glossy” aesthetic which the brief asked for but it was much more visually appealing when in the original form of the raw files. Unfortunately I discovered this when it was too late to change.
The sound is a massive weakness because we asked a student at Leeds MET to produce it but because of his workload at the time he was unsure weather he could until the last minute meaning there was no time for reviewing or corresponding with him. We used it because it worked better than using a music track and also that way we avoid all copyright issues, but it defiantly doesn’t convey the mood that I wanted.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
If doing stop motion I would shoot in 16:9 aspect ratio in order to keep it widescreen from the start thus not having to change compositions later in the editing which proved difficult, this was something which we did think of but couldn’t find the means before we had to start shooting.
I would correspond more with our sound technician so that it was clear what mood I wanted to convey.
I would also take full control of the editing process so that I would be happy with the final piece, or if not then there was only me to blame.
I would fully document each stage of the editing process to avoid any struggles/challenges being overlooked.
And finally I would attempt to employ help when shooting in order to speed up the process and thus possibly be able to shoot more.