Wednesday, 25 February 2009


Our class at Leeds college of art and design was asked to look at the YCN briefs (which can be found at: then pair up in order to tackle one of the briefs as a collaboration.

Me and my good buddy Cheng:
have decided to do the itv 2 ident brief which is asking us to make an ident based on a moment in the life of a typical 24 year old. This has to fit with the idents currently used by itv 2 which are shown below.

Topic: Dancing

Topic: Getting ready to go out

Topic: Lust

Topic: Music

Topic: 24 Hour Society

Topic: Holidays

as you can see they all have a similar aesthetic, using white and green heavily for the itv2 branding and apart from the "Music" ident they all include animation and filmed footage.

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